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Problem Statement:

Return the number of bits set to 1 in a 4 byte integer.


The idea here is to use a clever trick, created by Brian Kernighan. Instead of doing a naive O(N) traversal over the bits of the input integer, this algorthim works by removing the rightmost 1 bit iteratively until the number is zero.

Therefore, the number of iterations the algorithm takes to converge depends on the number of bits set to 1 on the input integer.

For example, the number 5 has 2 bits set to 1. ( 0101 ). Kernighan’s algorithm only takes 2 iterations here.

The idea is showcases in the code below. It uses clever bit manipulation to find the right most 1 bit and remove it.


int count_one_bits(int x) {
    int count = 0;

    while(x != 0) {

        // Update count.
        count += 1;

        // Remove the rightmost one bit.
        x &= (x-1);

    return count;

Complexity Analysis:


O(N) time in the worst case that all bits on the input are zero. Faster on the common case where this isn’t true.


O(1) memory.

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